Friday, March 20, 2015

A new blog

Hello, dear family and friends!

As many of you know by now, we will be transitioning to a stage of life with Mennonite Central Committee in Managua, Nicaragua.  We are looking forward to this opportunity as a chance to learn and grow as a family, get to know a new community, and to participate in the work and life of MCC and the Mennonite churches of Nicaragua and Costa Rica.

This is the third time we have started a blog.  The first was when Lia was born.  And the second was when Silas was born.  And we have not done particularly well at keeping them updated.  But maybe the conditions this time will help us give a more regular attention to this way of staying connected.

We are grateful for all the support, love, and prayers that you have already generously shared with us.  As we move into this new opportunity, we ask for your continued prayers (and letters and emails!).  As this blog title suggests, we humbly recognize that there will be many times when we are inadequate, needing the support of the people around us and our God who walks with us.  And may we be quick to recognize the Word at work through it all.