Monday, November 13, 2017

Visiting Steve in Santa Lucia

We finally got the whole family out to visit Steve (MCC Nicaragua Ag Coordinator) at his place in Santa Lucía, Boaco.  We had a great time, with fresh güirilas, hikes across hills and fields, good conversation, and more.  Thanks, Steve, for your hospitality!

Steve explains coffee beans to the kids
Steve, with coffee, explaining other aspects of life to the kids

Family picture in a cow field, among the many beautiful mountains that surround Santa Lucia
Walking down the road, passing a rodeo arena
Activity in Steve's kitchen/dining/office/garage

Lots of fun climbing on the motorcycle

The great laurel de la india tree in front of Steve's house 
Very cute baby Miriam, just before she reached out for the camera and took an unfortunate tumble.
Mamón chino, as it's called. English is "rambutan" according to the internet. 
Silas said eating mamónes chinos was the highlight of his day.
Another hike. Great views.
Made it to the creek.  Kids had a great time on the rocks