Saturday, August 31, 2019

The Giant Iguana climbs the hills

A little while back I shared a story of attempting to ride the loop around the Chiltepe peninsula, missing a turn, running late, getting tired, and climbing in a caponera in defeat.  Since then, we've had a number of better runs.  It's been fun. Here are a few rides.

1. Return to Chiltepe

My friend Francisco and I went back on a couple occasions to ride segments of the peninsula.  It was nice to not feel the need to do the whole loop. It was easier to enjoy the beauty of the area this way as well.  On a third run, we rode with a group organized by a bike shop and did the whole loop.  Very satisfying.

2. Los Sarrosos MTB

We made a connection through another school parent to a mountain biking group that rides every Saturday morning.  They are a jovial bunch, calling themselves Los Sarrosos MTB - "the Rusties" mountain bike group.  They take lots of breaks, drink coffee along the way, and are either laughing or out of breath.  The routes are often a lot of up hill climbs, with a culminating ride back down hill.

3. Bikers' breakfast

Last week's ride was actually a little on the shorter side, and some of the riders decided to wrap up with breakfast.  Coffee, gallo pinto, eggs, salsa ranchera, tortilla, and actually the first time I tried leche agria. Leche agria is sour milk and the name has always made me reluctant to try it.  But it's kind of like natural yogurt, and after a bike ride and with good company, it's just fine.

4. Casa to Km 17 Carretera Vieja a Leon to Monte Tabor to Casa

This morning was a ride we had done with Los Sarrosos a few weeks ago, but this time instead of driving to meet up part way, we started from home and rode all the way up the hill, a good 2,560 ft of climbing between pavement and dirt roads.  A nice decent at the end and a great nacatamal made by Miriam's babysitter Yahaira for breakfast.